I am writing to you from the great state of Florida, enjoying a little bit of down time during these hot summer months. Hope you are too. But as you can see from the CABs LABs we have been busy continuing to improve our website offerings.
But first, a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our annual survey. We are gratified by the tremendous amount of positive feedback we received and are thankful to those of you who offered great suggestions and comments to help us improve. Please keep the feedback coming throughout the year. It is really important to us to ensure all of you are familiar and comfortable with all of the tools and information that is available as a part of your subscription to CAB. For this reason we offer live training sessions every month, one a basic training session and one a focus session that covers one topic more in depth. Previous sessions are available to view in the About CAB – Webinars section of our subscriber website. If you have suggestions for topics you’d like covered, or if you have questions about anything on the site, in the reports, or what we can offer please do not hesitate to contact us.
CABs LABs – At CAB, we are more than just the data but the data is still our lifeblood. We are committed to bringing the power of the data to all of our users. We are excited to announce the launch of Analysis Central™, our newest feature. Analysis Central™ gives you instant access to reports and analysis giving you a deeper and more insightful review of a motor carrier and its operations. The best part about Analysis Central™ is that we are just getting started. There are already a bunch of new reports available on the Analysis Central™ tab in the CAB report and there are many more that will be added. You can also request your own customized reports and we will try to accommodate every request we can. We will be offering a live training session on Thursday August 20th to introduce you to Analysis Central™ and how you can play a key role in ensuring you get access to the analyses you need.
This month we report:
CSA ATTACK – We continue to watch the attacks on CSA on various fronts and the FMCSA’s reaction.
In the Senate an amendment was added to the proposed six year surface transportation bill which would requires FMCSA to bring in third parties to oversee the CSA program. It would also require that the scores be removed from the public website. The bill calls for the National Research Council to conduct a correlation study and for the Department of Transportation’s Office of Inspector General to oversee FMCSA’s corrective action plan.
However, The FMCSA continues to move forward efforts to correlate carrier safety fitness determinations with CSA. The FMCSA has submitted a notice of proposed rulemaking that will modify how the agency assigns carrier safety fitness determinations to motor carriers. Under the proposed rulemaking motor carriers would have their carrier safety fitness rating assigned based on: Safety rankings within the CSA program; An investigation; Or a combination of on-road safety data and investigation information.
While the official scores may ultimately be removed from the public website, rest assured that CAB will continue to gather all of the underlying data, provide analytics and assist the insurance industry to successfully evaluate risk.
INSURANCE LIMITS – The quest to increase insurance limits continue. We have conflicting bills this month, one which protects the current limits and another which seeks to double limits. Various trucking organizations have started to marshal support to defeat any increase. We will continue to keep you advised as this moves through the system.