Welcome to the new “CABAdvantage Bits & Pieces”. We have worked hard at CAB to be the “go to” place for all motor carrier information. Utilizing the wealth of data provided by CAB gives you the advantage that you need to operate successfully. We want you to have the CABAdvantage! We created a new logo to go with the “new and improved” CAB. We would love to know what you think. There is a $50 gift certificate for the first person to e-mail us and correctly explain what this logo signifies! E-mail Mark Schweber with your entry.
Our new website is www.cabadvantage.com (we recommend that you save it to your favorites) and our email suffix has been changed from @cabfinancial.com to @cabadvantage.com. But don’t worry – using our old website and email addresses will still get you where you need to be until you update your records.
A great time was had by all at the IMUA annual meeting in Chicago. Although it was a bit brisk weather wise, it was great to connect with everyone again and to let Tiana Cain finally meet all of the people that I have talked about. Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table to meet her. I, as you would expect, never sat at the table – there are just too many people to talk to and not enough time. A special acknowledgement goes out to Frank Oleskiewicz who received the first Lifetime Achievement Award from the IMUA. Frank has been an asset to the industry and it has been my great pleasure to work with him on the transportation committee these many years. The award could not have gone to a better candidate.
This month I will be speaking at the IMUA Great Lakes Advisory Meeting in Ohio together with Mike Guthrie of GenRe, so plan a frolicking and fun-filled afternoon discussing carriers, brokers, and warehouseman and their insurance needs. You can register for the program, in Ohio, at the IMUA website at www.imua.org.
As a much loved godson leaves to serve in Afghanistan this Memorial Day it reminds me once again to be thankful to all of those who serve and protect our country. So to all of our service members, both now and in the past, we salute you and wish you well this Memorial Day holiday.