It was great seeing so many of you in Williamsburg, VA last week at the IMUA annual meeting. As always the meeting was a great success. Our congratulations and warm wishes go out to Ron Thorton, who announced his retirement as President of the IMUA. He will be a tough act to follow and we wish him much success in his post retirement career as Grandfather Extraordinaire.
Since I am heading off for a long awaited family trip to Ireland this report will be short this month. Too much to do and too little time to get it done before I head out. So I report:
INSURANCE SURVEY – NIP Group, Inc. released the results of the Transportation Insurance Pricing Survey (TIPS™) for the first quarter of 2010. Over 95% of the respondents reported that during the 1st quarter, the transportation insurance market was flat or softer when compared to the fourth quarter of 2009. More than half of respondents believe that underwriting capacity has increased as more insurers have entered the transportation market. You can read the report at here.
PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREENING – The FMCSA is now allowing access to the safety data base for screening driver applicants. This information is available only to prospective employers. The internet based program allows access to 5 years of an applicant’s crash history and 3 years of inspection history. The driver must give approval before the information is released. Underwriters can begin to inquire whether their insureds are utilizing this system to vet drivers.
HOURS OF SERVICE – The FMCSA extended the hours of service for carriers transporting equipment, materials and supplies to help clean up the oil spill. The exemption applies to transportation within Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida, along with any portion of the trip outside those areas. Carriers or drivers who are placed out of service can not claim the benefit of this extension. In other news the American Transportation Research Institute released its report on its crash survey and found that the majority of commercial vehicle crashes occur during the first eight hours of driving. The analysis, based on hours-of-service surveys from about 260 motor carriers, found that 87% of crashes were in the first eight hours, while 12% occurred in the 9th to 11th hours. A copy of the report can be viewed here.