
Bits & Pieces

Volume 11, Edition 7

Volume 11, Edition 7 (posted 7/29/2008)

This will be a short Bits and Pieces this month as I am writing this from the Green Mountains of Vermont. Work and the transportation industry seem so far away and just not quite as important!  I hope you all get the chance to take some time off this summer. It is just a great feeling.   I can give you some news for the month:

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS – The Transportation Security Administration has released security recommendations for the transportation of certain quantities of hazardous materials. These guidelines are currently voluntary, but will be looked to as standard for the industry.  TSA’s security action items address general security; personnel security; unauthorized access; and en-route security. General security measures include conducting security threat assessments, security planning, protecting critical information and enhancing awareness of industry-security practices. Personnel security and unauthorized access refer to practices affecting the security of a motor carrier’s employees, contracted employees and its property. En-route security refers to the actual movement and handling of motor vehicles transporting highway security-sensitive materials. The nine page recommendations can be viewed here. Read More

Volume 11, Edition 6

Welcome to another summer and another edition of the Bits and Pieces of the trucking industry.  Summer is here and the news is short. Virtually every report and news article focuses on gas prices.  We all recognize that there is no need to report on this crisis as emerging news.  Consider the impact on your own wallet and magnify it a hundredfold and you will know what the trucking industry is focusing on.

In other news we report:

DRIVER TURNOVER – At least one thing in the industry moved in the right direction this quarter.  Driver turnover at large truckload carriers (more than $30 million in revenue) declined to 103%, the lowest rate in 5 years.  Small truckload carriers also saw a small decrease, down to 80%.  Unfortunately, if the economy picks up the rate is anticipated to rise again.  Basically if it is not one thing it is another!

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