
Bits & Pieces

Volume 12, Edition 11

Welcome to the new CAB Website!  Please take a moment to surf around and see all that we have to offer. Comments would be greatly appreciated as we continue to try and respond to your needs.  We really want to make this the place for you to go to keep abreast of all of the developments in the industry. We encourage all of our readers to register for free on our new site and begin posting comments on our articles to help transform our site into an industry forum. With that in mind, please feel free to contact us with information which you believe would be of interest to the industry. We are happy to help get the word out.

We hope you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving break.  How did we get to the end of the year once again?  With the holiday season upon us, we wish you all health and happiness.

This month we report:

HOURS OF SERVICE RULES.  As we reported last month there is some movement underway to modify the hours of service rules.  The DOT has advised that it will have new hours of service rules to the White House in 9 months and publish a final rule within 21 months. Perhaps the hours of service rules will be finalized by the time they open the border, as they both seem to have taken a extraordinarily long time. Read More

Volume 12, Edition 10

The new CAB website will be up and running any day now! We are excited about the changes which are being implemented on the site. If all goes well the new interactive site will be up and running in November. We plan on incorporating industry polls and RSS feeds, as well as providing an open forum to allow readers to share comments with the industry. Comments are appreciated and we look forward to your feedback on items that we can add to the site to better inform the industry of relevant events and to facilitate interaction between companies insuring the transportation industry.

For our premium subscribers, we also note an addition to the Submission Report™ . We now include the ISS-D (Inspection Selection System-Driver) and SEA (Safety Evaluation Scores) scores for your motor carrier. For those of you not familiar with these scoring categorizations, both are promulgated by the FMCSA to evaluate the safety performance of a motor carrier. As a general principle that will occur if the motor carrier has, within the past 24 months, either a poor safety record or has had very few safety inspections relative to the number of vehicles it operates.

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